Rainbows Chemo Wrap


RAINBOWS - A hand-dyed vibrant blend of nature's beautiful pure colours.

A soft cotton knitted tube that fits comfortably over your head.

Simple and easy to wear. Just slip on and tuck under at the back, for full head cover.

or for Partial hair cover slip on and scrunch up like a wide headband.

Light weight, natural cotton, ideal for summer.

Made in ultra soft Cotton and Bamboo. Ideal for people suffering hair loss from chemotherapy or surgery, providing generous full head coverage.

The fabric is knitted by us on a beautiful, restored 1930's knitting machine. The combination of yarns and colours are light and breathable, ensuring the wrap is soft and comfortable to wear.

Medium - Light weight Fabric. Soft, comfy, washes and wears well. Hand wash in cold or warm water, lay flat to dry. Inspired by nature's landscapes and the healing effects of colours

Lovingly made, knitted and hand-dyed by New Zealanders in Burleigh Heads, QLD Australia

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