Raw Crystal Rings Gold


Gorgeous adjustable gold plated copper rings with large raw stones.

These rings are available in 7 different stones.

They are adjustable (as pictured) but all may slightly vary in overall size. However, we have tried to pick similar sizes so they are very likely to be able to be adjusted onto one of your fingers.

Note: each stone is unique and differently shaped. Therefore, what you receive is unlikely to be the same as what is pictured.

NO OR REFUNDS if sizing is wrong.

These rings are copper, but silver plated. Therefore, there is a possibility that they may turn your fingers green. 

Clear quartz - Stone of healing. A master crystal for healing also giving other crystals an energy boost. Helps to strengthen the aura and gives clarity of mind, supporting meditation without distraction. Aids in the immune system. Connects with all chakras.

Gold tigers eye - Stone of luck and motivation. Aids in the development of courage, strength of mind, self-confidence and optimism. Can attract good fortune. Boosts the endocrine system and can stimulate fertility. Can help relieve seasonal affective disorder and depression. Can help with issues surrounding the throat, eyes, stomach, gall bladder, and helps repair broken bones. Base, solar plexuses and third eye chakras.

Peridot - A warm, happy and compassionate stone. When worn draws good fortune as well as healing and harmony to relationships of all kinds. Can lessen anger and stress while also guarding against destructive jealousy caused by betrayal in past relationships. It may also help to dissolve personal fears that we are unloveable, helping one to let this go in their present relationship. Opens our hearts to joy, enhances confidence, assertiveness and motivates growth through change. Strengthens the eyes, balances bipolar disorder and helps to overcome hypochondria. Heart chakra.

Rainbow Moonstone - Stone of spiritual growth. Protects travellers and is a gift for lovers. This stone has a strong connection to the moon and helps with channeling prophecy. Clears the mind and senses. Aids in lucid dreaming and is a psychic protector. Eases emotional trauma and connects one to nature. Helpful in aiding with fertility issues, self-expression and acceptance. May also aid with issues to do with the skin, hair, eyes and getting into sync with the body's natural rhythms. Crown chakra.

Black Tourmaline - Stone of protection. Keeps bad luck and negative energies away. Protects you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Grounds and heals pains in intestinal, spinal or muscular problems. Shields you from electromagnetic radiation. Will quickly relieve panic attacks and will detoxify the body. Base chakra.

Carnelian - Stone of truth and love. Gives you courage, optimism and curiosity. Can aid in letting go of any emotional baggage. Helps to heal reproductive issues. Place on the eyes to relieve the common head ache. Attracts good luck and fortune. Grounding, stabilising and motivational. Can also cleanse other crystals. Base and sacral chakras.

The Little Rock Shop
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