
Remote Satellite Solutions, Lone Worker Services, Satellite device connections. SPOT, inReach, Delorme, GARMIN. Sales & Hires. TrackMe Pro+
  • $55 +
    Snugglies are the perfect first doll for babies. The softness and warmth of the cotton velours is inviting to snuggle into and as it takes on familiar scents it provides comfort for a young baby and beyond.With its knotted hands and hat ( little ones love to chew these) , the hand embroidered featur...
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  • $35 +
    Knottie is the traditional first doll/comforter in the waldorf tradition.In the past  these were also known as "Hankie" dolls as mothers used to make these simple dolls out of hankies and any material they could find to give to their babies. The knotted hands and hat give ample safe chewing comfort...
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  • $39.90 +
    Organic Steiner inspired teething ring
    This is a handmade plain wooden ring that will not splinter. Not waxed, not oiled, naturally bacterial resistant. The doll is made from the softest organic terry fabric , featuring a hand embroidered rim around the hat, filled with 100% clean wool and will soak up all thosed dribbles!( Handwash recommended. ) This would make a sweet original gift for a baby and comes in a gift box.
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  • $35 +
    Steiner/Waldorf inspired " Candypops"
    These cotton flannel comforters  make a perfect first doll for babies as they are easy to hold for tiny hands and soft to cuddle. These will bring comfort as these dolls are known to take on mother,s scent and so bring security to a baby.  Traditionally these were made by mothers out of cloth napp...
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