Earth Bracelet | Gold


Consicousness - Intuitation - Transcendance

In yoga, the earth element is one of the five elements of the material world. The earth element represents solidity, stability, and grounding. It is associated with the Muladhara (root) chakra, located at the base of the spine and considered the foundation of the entire chakra system.

The earth element is often described as dense, heavy, and stable, providing the foundation upon which all other elements can build. It is said to be grounding, connecting us to the physical world, and helping us to feel stable and secure.

Overall, the earth element in yoga represents the physical body, our connection to the natural world, and our ability to feel grounded and stable. Practicing yoga and focusing on the earth element can cultivate a deeper sense of stability and grounding, helping us feel more connected to our bodies and the world around us.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice ONE SIZE

One size fits most wrist sizes 15.5-24cm (6.1 - 9.4 inches). The bracelet can be easily adjusted to your wrist. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS

Safe to use in your daily activities; no need to remove it for water or sports activities DETAILS

- Gemstone 3mm
- Gold plated brass
- High-quality metallic yarn enriched with pure silver made in Kyoto, Japan

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