Super Tanker

At a top-secret facility In Alaska one of the secrets of the Cold War remains in storage, a substance recovered from a meteor called ICE-10, a doomsday substance that if released would start a chain reaction destroying the world.
The deadliness of this material becomes evident when a military plane is dispatched to bring back a small amount for testing. When the plane crashes, the material escapes and an entire town in Northern Canada is wiped out & thousands of lives lost. The government decides that this material has to be destroyed & the entire inventory of ICE-10 is shipped in a special container stored on board a to the deepest underwater trench in the world, the Marianas.
As the heads toward the trench, the ship becomes unstable in the water because of the ICE-10’s effect on electronic equipment. An earthquake strikes and a rogue wave hits the tanker nearly turning it upside down in the water. The damaged super tanker then starts releasing the ICE-10.
Jigsaw Entertainment
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