Framed Print - Red Spurs at Sunset


Framed Photographic Print - Red Spurs at Sunset

The beautiful Red Spurs near Danseys Pass, Central Otago captured on dusk.  Photographed by award winning photographer, Janyne Fletcher GMNZIPP. This image won a silver award at the 2020 Iris Photography Awards run by the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography. 

Framed Print:  

- Photographic print on matt fine art paper.
- Custom framed in a dark brown timber frame with a metallic finish (35mm wide)
- Mat board in off white
- Includes standard picture framing glass.  
- Please note my watermark will be removed from purchased photographs!
- Framed print measures 700mm x 450mm approx
- Find out more here about how Janyne's work is printed and framed by hand at her Ranfurly gallery in Central Otago.

Order timing: 

We will carefully pack your order and all shipping within and Australia is by tracked courier. Find out more about how we pack and send work here.

Please allow 2 - 2 1/2 weeks for processing. Please note that most orders are printed & framed once a customer has purchased and only a small amount of stock is held.

Questions?:  Please contact Janyne here.

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