Forever Flowers


Create your Forever Flower Bouquet  

Available in single flowers or purchase in multiples to create the perfect bouquet! We hand knit our cord using 100% cotton which we then shape with a steel wire into your unique art. Creating colorful, fun & warm decor for any space!

Please read before placing your order: 

-Please make sure you select the correct quantity of flowers. For example 2 flowers quantity, select 2 from the first. Then fill in the first 2 flower box details and leave flower 3, 4 and 5 blank

-Purchase 4 & get the 5th flower FREE! Don’t forget to fill in flower box 5 with your shape & colour choice  

-Only select the flower type/colour corresponding with the quantity of flowers you selected.

-Foliage & Lavender both come with khaki stems. If you would like to change to our pistachio (lighter green) stem please leave a note at the checkout. 

-All Forever Flower orders have the option to be gift wrapped in bouquet paper. Select from the drop down to add for an additional $4.90. Please note this listing is for all flowers selected to be wrapped together. When purchasing two separate bouquets, add the bouquets to your cart separately. 

Measurements will vary depending on flower type 

PLEASE NOTE shape/design may vary slightly as well as cotton coloring. Please keep away from small children as these are for display only. 

hey roo
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