Entertainers Gift Box


This beautiful box of deliciousness is the perfect gift for foodies who simply love eating good food. Share with others or keep for yourself. Either way, this box is sure to impress!

Box Contents include:

- Premium Grower Outlet extra-large avocados (x2)

- Arlo and Co. 'Dutch Bolas' baking premix

-Six Barrell Soda, Raspberry and Lemon soda syrup

- Small Batch, Occasionally Nuts 'Just Add Beer' nut mix

- Small Batch, Tuscan with Roasted Red Pepper Streichcreme

- Pepper&Me, 'The Mother Dukkah'

- Little Bird Organics, Good Macaroons

- Vogels, 5 Seed and Oat crackers

- Grower Outlet custom spice blend

- Solomon Gold Organic Artisan Chocolate (x 2

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