Organic Flax Seed Oil for Animals


Is 100% pure, cold pressed, unrefined, certifited organic flax seed oil, which naturally contains Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 Essential Fatty Acids.

Our animal grade flax seed oil is treated with the same care as that destined for human consumption and is unrefined and contains no toxic substances or cholesterol. The only difference is that it may have a little more sediment. Humans can find this imparts a slightly bitter taste, but animals do not seem to mind - they must know it is good for them!

Animals that eat processed food (most commercial food) are likely to be deficient in these important fats. Common Indications of Omega 3 Deficiency in your animals

- Dry coat
- Flaky skin
- Stiff joints
- Cracked hooves or claws
- Poor reproductive performance
- Temperamental behaviour
- Fatigue
- Slow recovery
- Lowered immunity

Include Flax Seed Oil for Animals as a delicious and nutritious part of your animal's diet to MAY help obtain and MAY maintain good health.

- May help to increase oxygenation
- May have anti-inflammatory properties
- Is an important component of the cell membrane
- Involved in the production of many hormones
- May burn body fat

You can easily add this to the diet of all aminals to include dogs, cats, horses, goats, rabbits.

Pour onto your dog’s food daily. There is a full feeding guide on the label.

Functional Whole Foods New Zea...
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