Heart Shaped Tea Light Candles


Pack of 6 Scented


Made with a deluxe soy wax - our adorable heart shaped tea light candles are a great way to add a bit of romantic ambiance to your night.

Perfect for adding a burst of aroma to the room.


Black Smoked Petals  Crushed violet and rose petals intertwined with the heady aroma of smokey woods and a bare hint of leather
White Honey & Wildflowers   Fields of wildflowers on a warm sunny day, mixed with the sweet scent of fresh honeycomb.

Pink Love Spell   Set the mood with this romantic fusion of cherry blossoms, hydrangeas, peach, citrus and apple. With a touch of blondewood, this luscious fragrance will charm anyone. 
Orange Orange Blossom  A uniquely balanced floral, Orange Blossom is fresh and sweet yet delicate. A beautiful fragrance for spring or summer, with top notes of bergamot and petitgrain , middle notes of jasmine and neroli, and a base of sandalwood and musk.

Green Macintosh Apple   A strong, classic apple fragrance bursting with freshly picked aroma.
Purple Black Raspberry Vanilla  Sweet black raspberries blended with warming vanilla. Not too fruity, not too sweet - just right at any time of year! 

These tea light candles are not usually recommended when using in a wax melt burner due to the fact that they are scented and may clash with your chosen wax melt fragrance.


To prevent fire and serious injury: Burn candle within sight. Don't leave candle unattended while lit.
Keep away from drafts and vibrations. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Never burn the candle on or near anything that is flammable and/or can catch fire.

Burning Instructions:
Trim wich to 6mm inch before each lighting.
Keep candle free of any foreign materials including matches and wick trimmings.
Only burn the candle on a level, fire resistant surface. Do not burn the candle for more than 4 hours at a time.
Stop burning when 15mm of wax stil remains.

Celine Xo
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