"Return of the Mac" Cookie Boxes


That's right. You read that right all you millennials who had nothing to do in the 90's during your youth years. You spent your days and nights driving mums Mitsi with the windows down blasting R&B tapes or CDs depending on whether you had a part time job at Foodtown to afford upgrading the sounds. This cookie is jam packed with extra chunky pieces of macadamia nuts and super premium dark chocolate.  This is an over the top rendition. Just like Mark Morrison's over the top turtle neck and leather gloves in the middle of summer.  Fun fact - his career lasted a  whole 12 minutes. The same time it takes us to roast, we mean bake, Return of the Mac.

"Return of the Mac" is created from premium dark chocolate, macadamia nuts and signature Brave the Crave cookie dough.

Brave the Crave
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