Bright Mixed Blooms (Florists Choice)


The Bright Blooms are a sure-fire hit, guaranteed to brighten up anyone's day. With bold colours and hints of summer, this one will go down a treat for anyone with a taste for making a statement.

All our boxes of Mixed Blooms come guaranteed to make you smile and arrive ready to arrange in a custom recyclable box designed to protect your flowers. The flowers change every week and depend on what's in season, they're also curated by our expert florists so you know they'll work well together. If for any reason the exact flowers planned for delivery that week aren't available, we'll swap them with something of similar value.

Go on, let your own creativity out and enjoy creating something special. Also, why not try out our subscription for a regular delivery and get 10% off the standard price. 

Our boxes of Mixed Blooms are available on subscription or as a one off. Subscription flowers are sent on Thursdays, ready for you to brighten your home for the weekend, with one off boxes sent Monday to Friday.

Box and Blooms
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