Tulip Bouquet


About the bouquet

Experience the joy and beauty of the seasonal. Leave a note with your color preference and we'll do our best to match it. Otherwise colours will be selected according to availability. These vibrant and cheerful blooms are available in 10 or 20 stems and guaranteed to bring happiness to your home. Order now before they sell out!

Presented in exclusive About You wrap with elegant tissue paper and ribbon trim.

The Bouquet will come with 10 stems of tulips

Please note

This market fresh may come in white, orange, assorted pink/orange and assorted orange/red due to seasonal availability but will always be selected and styled with love to make a beautiful long lasting bouquet. All bouquets are wet wrapped for freshness. (Please to confirm which colour we have when you place order)

Delivery information How much is your delivery fee? Bouquets- Rodney area - $14; North Shore - $20; How long does your delivery take? Bouquet s Order by 12pm; for Same-day delivery, available for selected products to Rodney area. And next-day delivery to the rest of Auckland - usually delivered by 6pm. Orders after 12pm will be dispatched the next business day. Gifts

Orders after 12pm will be dispatched the next business day via post. Delivery takes between 1-3 business days for urban areas and longer for rural area.

For more details please email hello@ayou.co.nz

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